Okinawa Soba Niibunja

A light yet flavorful broth. Okinawa soba specialty restaurant in Noborikawa, Okinawa City.

An Okinawa soba specialty restaurant located in Noborikawa, Okinawa City.
Niibunja offers a choice of two types of noodles for each of their Okinawa soba: straight, fresh, aromatic noodles made from a blend of several types of flour and kneaded with dried bonito powder (Nakada Noodle Factory), or the traditional, wheat-scented, curly noodles made by Terukina Noodle Factory.

Address 904-2142
3-46-2 Noborikawa, Okinawa City
Contact Phone:098-989-5838
Parking Available
Business hours Business hours: 11:00-15:00 (L.O. 14:50)
Closed: Every Wednesday
Reference price ・Soba with pork belly pieces
 large 950 yen, medium 850 yen
・Soba with spare ribs with cartilage
 large 950 yen, medium 850 yen
・Soba (plain)
 Large: 700 yen, Medium: 600 yen
・Mixed rice 200 yen

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