Yellow Box

A furniture store complete with U.S. style sofas, beds, tables and more!

Located in Okinawa City’s Matsumoto area, Yellow Box is a store that sells furniture from the U.S.A., as well as various Asian décor. They offer items that can’t be found anywhere else on Okinawa.
The spacious store includes king size beds, large sofas, bar counters, you name it--- Yellow Box has it! More than half of Yellow Box’s customers are non-Japanese nationals, so the prices listed are in U.S. dollars, but it goes without saying that yen currency is accepted as well. With bilingual staff readily available, you’ll have no problem finding the perfect furniture for your home, right here at Yellow Box.
Address 807 Matsumoto, Okinawa City
Parking Available
Check nearby parking lots
Business hours 10:30 - 19:30
Closed: December 31, January 1

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