Koza's Gate 2 Street


Koza Gate Street, as the name implies, is a street that begins at the gate (entrance/exit) of the U.S. military base and ends at a major intersection with National Route 330. The symbolic “Koza Music Town” stands at the crossroads, and the central area of Okinawa City spreads out around it. It is the main entrance to Koza, so to speak.

コザゲート通り コザゲート通り

As befits the front gate of a base town, the area is still lined with stores catering to foreigners and foreign-owned businesses, and the scenery is full of exoticism. First-time visitors may get the impression that they are in a foreign country.

コザゲート通り コザゲート通り

The street starting at Gate 2 of the U.S. military base, from Kadena Air Base to Koza Music Town on Route 330 is called Koza Gate Street. The central city area of Okinawa City extends around Koza Crossroads. It is, so to speak, the front gateway to Koza. The street is lined with exotic restaurants, clothing stores, and live music clubs, giving it a different impression on weekend nights than it does during the daytime on weekdays, giving visitors the feeling of being abroad even though they are in Okinawa.


The street is still lined with restaurants and clubs that cater to foreigners, but there are also many clothing stores and general stores that cater to foreigners. So, some of them are bargains that are not sold in Japan...

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